
The organisation Chercheurs Étrangers à Nantes (Foreign Researchers in Nantes)

With the EURAXESS Services Centre label given by the European Commission, the organisation Chercheurs Étrangers à Nantes provides free and personalised assistance to international researchers (PhD students, postdocs, professors, researchers) and their families settling in Nantes – Saint-Nazaire area and whose host institution is a member of the organisation.

logo euraxess researchers in motion

To benefit from our services, register with ALFRED !

ALFRED is the date base from the EURAXESS France network for foreign researchers in France. Please register so that we get your information and help you to our best. The data is confidential and only accessible by your relevant EURAXESS Services Centre.

Intercultural programme

The Agenda Interculturel is a programme of events prepared by our organisation : cultural outings and social opportunities. Come and meet other foreign researchers living in Nantes !

galette des rois

Galette des Rois/King’s Cake Party

Thursday January 23rd 2025, 6.30 pm

Join us to celebrate the new year 2025 with traditionnal cakes and drinks. You’ll discover the Galette des Rois (King’s cake). Meet up, laughters, a raffle and sweet tasting on the menu !

FREE upon registration by email

1 guest (friends, family) per researcher welcome (+ kids of course ! ;p)

Christmas party

Tuesday, December 17th from 6:30pm to 9.30pm at MCE

Soline and Nathalie are expecting you to celebrate with them the end of the year festivities, and to contribute to the assocation’s yearly donation by bringing a present for a local charity they support. You can bring a unwrapped gift for “Les Restos du Coeur” or for the local animal shelter SPA Carquefou.

Gifts will benefit to unpriviledged kids (0-12 year old), homeless women, or abandonned pets.

French buffet, a few games, a good cause, all this in a Christmassy atmosphere !

FREE but please register by email- family and friends welcome, 1 guest per researcher –
one person = one new unwrapped Christmas gift

Agenda interculturel - soirée musique classique

Classical music night at Cité des Congrès 

Tuesday December 10th, 2024 from 7:45pm to 9:45pm

ONPL concert « Souvenirs de Vienne » : symphonic orchestra will play Anton Bruckner’s symphony #7 and French violonist solist Manon Galy will perform Mozart’s concerto #4. 

9€ per person

Links to register online sent by email.
Registration opens Monday November 25th at 8pm !

musée de nantes

Members of the association